View and Edit Your Own User Account

As any type of user (including as a user without administrator permissions), you can edit your own account information to keep it up to date.

To view and make changes to your own account details, follow these steps:

  1. Click your initials in the menu bar.

    The account menu opens.

  2. Click My Profile.

    Your My Account page opens, showing your account information.

  3. To make changes to your account information, click Edit on the My Account page.

    A dialog with your account information opens.

  4. Use the attribute fields to edit your account information as needed.

    • Click on the navigation tabs within the dialog to switch between the available sections.

    • Asterisks (*) indicate required fields that you must fill out.

    • See the table Reference: User Account Fields for descriptions of the fields you can edit.


      The areas Membership and Permissions can only be edited by administrators.

  5. After you have finished editing your account information, click Save to save your changes.

    • Click Cancel without clicking Save if you need to discard your changes.

  6. To exit the dialog and return to the My Account menu, click Cancel (after clicking Save), or press the Esc key.

You have successfully edited your user account details.

Reference: User Account Fields

The following table shows the fields you can edit in your user account:


Field Name



Personal Information

First name

First name

Text field, mandatory field (*)


Last name


Text field, mandatory field (*)



Registered e-mail

Text field, mandatory field (*)



Access password

mandatory field( *) with visibility switching



Contact email address

Text field, mandatory field (*)


Phone (business)

Business contact number

Example format: +667 89 24416766


Phone (mobile)

Mobile contact number

Optional field


Phone (private)

Private contact number

Optional field



Company affiliation

Text field



User type classification

Dropdown selection



Department assignment

Dropdown with “Default” option, mandatory field (*)


Job Title

Professional role

Text field



Personal description

Text field (250 characters max)


System Language

Interface language preference

Dropdown (e.g., “English (United States)”)



User’s country location

Dropdown (e.g., “Falkland Islands”)



Time zone selection

Dropdown (e.g., “GMT-03:00 America/Buenos_Aires”)


Affiliate IDs

Related affiliate identifiers

Comma-separated text field


Selected Affiliate ID

Primary affiliate selection

Dropdown selection


Preferred unit of length

Measurement unit preference

Dropdown (e.g., “Millimeter (mm)”)


Start Module

Default starting module

Dropdown selection


Additional email notification

Email notification settings

Toggle option


Invoice address

Billing address details

Expandable section


Delivery address

Shipping address details

Expandable section